
Showing posts from June, 2023


CONCEPT OF CONSENT IN POSH ACT, In accordance with Indian Penal Code Section 375, consent is defined as "an unequivocal voluntary agreement when the woman communicates her willingness to engage in the specific sexual act through words, gestures, or any other means of verbal or nonverbal communication."  In addition, the 2013 law amendment adds the following: "The amendment clarifies that the absence of resistance does not imply consent and defines 'consent' as an unambiguous agreement to engage in a specific sexual act." According to the Madras High Court v. Anthony ruling, a woman can only be considered to have given her permission when she chooses to submit while still being completely free to exercise her moral and bodily authority. It is always a deliberate and aware acceptance of what is offered to be done by another and concurred by the former; consent entails the exercise of a free right to withhold what is being consented to. Due to the fact that PoS